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9 September 2018 (postponed)
23 September 2018
After being unable to catch the Cape St Lucia Lighthouse, I decided that we will head to Maphalane - Cape St Lucia Lighthouse today. I have been watching the weather for the past week and realised that things were or might be questionable. But we decided that we will go even thought crazy rain here in Pmb.
At 04:00 am I woke up and heard heavy rain outside my bedroom window and I cancelled the trip. I felt that I could not put mom or me into a dangerous position with rain and mud and also if the areas is volatile we need to be able to get out quickly. We decided to go in a few weeks time.
23 September 2018
Today is the day that we go. Car packed, lunch packed, cameras packed and other bits and pieces. Feeling slightly anxious about the trip, but we have to do this. Lets go
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