What an amazing evening. The weather was stunning and we slept with the back of the Van open all night. Transnet contacted me regarding the access into the Deal Light. We arrived there and we spent some time photographing the light house. The area is a bit questionable and I was asked not to venture to far away. We said thank you and we headed back to Cape Recife
What a stunning light house. The sand dunes are amazing. I have never seen anything like this before. Took our photos and we headed down to the water. There was a slight breeze and we carried on. Took of our shoes and we were watching some fish in the shallows.
Then a gale force wind came out of no-where. Grabbed my camera and hid it under my shirt. Mom chased after our shoes and we huddles back to the car. What a hectic moment. The sand storm was hectic. I have never seen anything like this ever.
We hid in the car and we headed out. We landed up with sand everywhere, our eyes had sun glasses on which was a life saver, sand in our ears, noses, hair, under our clothes. I don’t think I will ever forget that.
What a beautiful day that has turned into something really hectic.
We headed off to our friends for the next 2 nights of our stay in PE. Clean home, clean beds, and great company.
A great evening with friends. Chatted late into the night, met a bird (cockatiel called Coco) that stole the evening.
Headed to bed with a grateful heart knowing that all the 10 light houses have been photographed (2 outstanding), our trip is coming to an end with a positive ending.
Tomorrow we will chill and relax.
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